I am a proud fan of the critically acclaimed television show Mad Men. Between the in depth plot lines, the Adonis looks of Jon Hamm who plays, main character Don Draper and of course the stunning and vivid costumes. The three leading ladies truly carry the show regarding their fashion sense. Between the sexy Joan, the perky Peggy or the Grace Kelly inspired Betty Draper it is a vintage lover's treasure chest. Janie Bryant, the costume designer for the show recently released a style guide "The Fashion File: Advice, Tips and Inspiration From the Costume Designer of Mad Men." With a bit of her own southern belle background mixed in with her love of old Hollywood glamour, Fashion File is a great read and a visual stunner. If you are looking for ways to work vintage into your wardrobe with a modern twist, or a major Mad Men nerd, pick up The Fashion File for your fashion fix.
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